Thursday, December 13, 2007

All Quiet on the Western Front

It has been uncharacteristically calm (although never quiet) around here this week. Helping this along is that fact that Drama Boy (11 this month) has been gone for a few days to science camp. With half the wrestling duo gone, Sparky (9) has had to content himself with standing on the furniture, drumming the walls, and sneaking candy off the gingerbread houses rather than going for the ultimate pin....apparently garnering more points for an unsuspecting victim and a tackle that results in screeches, tears, and crashing belongings all over the room. He had a storm cloud over his head last night over a homework assignment and no dessert but managed to squash it before it let loose. That's progress, folks. These guys are in guardianship with Ana and, although we share the house and I think they are great, I'm happy to let her wrangle these two wild monkeys.

My kids have also had a relatively calm week. Squeaker (12) had a good day at school yesterday which followed a not-so-good day. I had to pick her up early on Tuesday to avoid an outburst escalating into a third suspension. We had to endure a little bit of attitude afterwards when she had to stay in her room (except for lunch, chores, snack, and dinner) and was required to write an apology note to her teacher. Some stomping on the stairs, a few door slams and snarky comments were mild and mangeable compared to the raging tantrum it could have turned into. She did write a very nice note to her teacher and pulled herself together to have a "great" day despite her vow (decorated with some choice "colorful" words) that she would NEVER go back to that place. She's making a tremendous effort and I'm very proud of her. She has a 4.0 this year, albeit in a special classroom, but she is doing the work and mostly behaving pleasantly in class. Again, progress. Major progress, even.

"The Boss" (4 this month) and grandson (2 1/2) have been squabbling all week in preschool fashion over whose toys are whose and tattling about who is being naughty. They have been blaming each other for things that I find hilarious.

Everyone in our house seems to have a pretty gnarly edge...except shaggy pooch, Cooper, who is about the nicest dog on the planet. I don't think any of the human types in our house would classify as plain old "nice" like he does. But as a friend of mine says "Nice is not one of the fruits of the spirit". Not that we all couldn't use a lot of work on the real ones! But for now, the blessed reprieve from tantrums, cussing, and bad attitudes is good enough for me!

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