Friday, May 16, 2008


My frustration level has been too high for everyone's comfort this week.

I work from home, only part time right now, but it is still stressful because the the littles have to be watched every second.

Money is tight because of screw-ups with reimbursement checks and an invoice that my boss didn't get sent in on time. Of course that means that all of the cars need expensive work. Ana's van got a new fuel pump and she has to take it for new tires. One of my cars has been in the shop several times for overheating. We've replaced the water pump and radiator and now it looks like we have to repair a head gasket. Not sure if we'll be fixing that one or not yet. The other larger SUV needs a major overhaul after a part broke and trashed the AC system. Fortunately, my parents are helping on that one but we're down to one car again and have a teenager coming for respite so will miss church again because we can't fit in the remaining car. It's a conspiracy, I swear it is. We have three cars and I really think they send out memos that it's time for them all to break down.

Squeaker came through the door after school yesterday and stood with the door open too long allowing our "bad" dog to escape. When I made my usual (non-heated) remark, "We have dogs, you know" she became rude and snotsy to the point that I sent her upstairs to her room. After continued snarky comments and door slamming from her, my response was no longer un-heated. Shortly after she came downstairs and I told her to head back up. Immediately flaring she said "I'm CALM now". Too bad. I'm not. Did I mention my frustration level is extremely high? More snark and slams. As long as it's upstairs.

She's very moody this week and with feelings towards me running hot/cold in a matter of minutes. I'm just not switching with her that quickly. She found out her older sister is pregnant and will be getting married soon. She hasn't seen her since she was 10 and her sister was in high school so it's a difficult adjustment to make.

The cell phone bill is a whacking huge one again. Teens and cell phones don't always mix.

Sparky and Drama Boy will be going with their grandma and aunt and various other relatives to Disneyland this weekend. It's nice for everyone to get a break from one another but they usually come back filled with all the big promises made by their family and unhappy with all they think they don't get here.

I'm not an optimist by any stretch but I do know that we'll muddle through and it will all be fine in the end. It's just so dang aggravating until then.

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