Friday, August 22, 2008

Where is Normal? (Texas, I guess)

A rough week behind us and Drama Boy and Sparky returning today. Who knows what we're in for when the social worker tells them this afternoon that there will be no contact with their mom until the trial is concluded.

And in the middle of it all, The Boss had two major meltdowns one last night and one this morning. When he is overtired and frustrated he sometimes just loses it and screams the same thing over and over. Not a trantrum because he wants something but a total emotional blow-out that usually last about 30-40 minutes. Usually he screams "I'm scared" or "You need to help me" or last night it was "I need to go potty" for a half an hour. Completely exasperating as there is no way to calm him. Finally he wears down and derails from his obssesive repetition and I ask if I can hold him and then he is able to settle down and get back on track.

And Squeaker...what does that girl think with sometimes? Her behavior has been pretty good but she does have a quirky, very askew way of looking things and often does not live in what the rest of us know of as reality. Yesterday she was leaning in the car window and told Ana "I really want to climb through this window right now.....but then you'd probably spank me.....and then I'd sue you...I'd get a lawyer and sue you....I don't know how I'd get the money but I'd find a way and get a lawyer and sue you..." Until Ana had to tell her to knock it off. Way to come up with a completely hypothetical situation and spin it into another threat of allegation.

That's getting real old real quick around here.

1 comment:

  1. haha i needed a good laugh right now......that was hilarious wel the last part was anyways
