Monday, November 24, 2008

Have Kids Will Shop

I can't wait to be done with Christmas shopping. I'm nearly there. I've spent much more time and money in stores than I am used to. It's always kind of fun at the start and then I get bored with it. We have a few electronic items to get but will have to wait until after Thanksgiving since the kids are out this week and it's hard to sneak away from them and impossible to take them even when shopping for the other kids. Since Squeaker steals she has to be constantly in view. The Boss begs and whines and asks for everything and is generally too pesky to take shopping. Drama Boy pouts if anybody else gets anything and none of them can keep a secret.

We took the kids to a pizza place for lunch. They played some video games and made it known that they did not get enough tokens. Always a treat to spend time with them.

We had to bag our planned library visit because we forgot it was Monday and the library is closed. We went to the thrift store instead to find a suitcase for Drama Boy. No suitcases but we found a pretty good haul of clothes for Lucky, Squeaker, and The Boss. Squeaker was miffed that I nixed a couple of shirts, one too low, one too holey, and one because it was a maternity shirt, but otherwise was cooperative.

The Boss flipped the cart over onto himself and begged for chips and coke from the vending machine. Drama Boy sulked because he couldn't find any clothes but was happy that he was allowed to get a good sized drum that he found.

Nobody said thank you but everybody was well-behaved overall and amazingly there was no bickering (except for a brief Squeaker/Boss flap) so no complaints from me.


  1. 2 words:

    It is my best friend. This is going to sound like a commercial, but I found last year and did my shopping through it. It's not like you get a lot of money back, but I take what I can get. Between last year and this year I've gotten back over $100 so not too shabby... plus the stuff comes to my door. I will gladly pay shipping to not have to go fight the crowds.

  2. Thanks. I'll check that out. The past few years I've shopped entirely on line usualy from but with computer problems decided not to do that this year. Also, we downsize our Christmas a little every year so the kids won't notice so much. Sneaky us.
