Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Mouthpiece

Only Drama Boy, The Boss, and Squeaker are home today. They all seemed to be doing pretty well and were getting along fine so we made the colossal mistake of leaving them alone in the living room unsupervised while we were in another room.

During that time, Squeaker got mad at DB for playing with The Boss and demanded that she gets to play with him because "he's my brother". The Boss still wanted to play with DB so she called them both names. Then she ordered The Boss to take something upstairs to his room and when he said, "I can't. I'm scared" she told him "I don't care. Take it now." So Drama Boy went with him.

Shortly after that she came to tattle that Drama Boy was telling The Boss to call her names. Ana called The Boss into the room and asked him about it. He admitted that Drama Boy told him to say unkind things to Squeaker. When I asked him if he was supposed to say those words he said "No" so I told him that he did not have to listen to DB and Squeaker only to Mommy and Auntie.

He then said that Squeaker had been calling him names and telling him to call Drama Boy names. He repeated all of them. The kid's gonna have as foul a mouth as the rest of them soon.

So we had to confess to the kids that we errored gravely in allowing them to have any unsupervised time together and let them know that it wasn't going to happen again. Somehow they can't figure out why it is so wrong to use a little kid to call each other names and to fight over him like two dogs with a bone. I sent them for showers and made their dinner so they could go up to their rooms early.

Drama Boy cried and Squeaker screamed and cussed at me and they both blamed each other. They're nothing if not predictable.

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