Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Happy Day

My computer is fixed and back home where it belongs! Okay, big deal...but it's the little things that make me happy.

Drama Boy will be going on an overnight visit this weekend and, along with Sparky, will return "home" (it's a facility but whatever) to his birth mom next Wednesday.


I don't even know what to say about that except that I hope and pray and wish and desire for things to work out for them but it's just not a good situation and if their mom really thinks that all of their problems will disappear just because they are with her and not "strangers" she is going to be in for quite a shock.


  1. So, I couldn't tell. Was the "oh happy day" comment directed at the fact that your computer was home or at the fact that DB is leaving?

  2. Computer. I hugged it before plugging it back in.

    Some mixed emotion on the whole DB thing. Relief is maybe more accurate than happiness.

  3. I can honestly say I understand - both the computer happiness and the DB relief.

    You'll all be in my prayers as he transitions.

  4. Oh I cannot wait for that "woman" to see what her son's behavior is really like. How is she going to explain that to the caseworkers when she can no longer handle it?

    He has been there so long I am sure you have some very mixed feelings. Big hugs and prayers for you as you work through this.
