Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Every Day

We have a written schedule for the middles (ages 13, 11, 11) but every day we have to tell them to do things or they don't get done.

Every day we have to tell them to wash their hands before dinner, often after they've already sat down at the table.

Every day we have to tell them to get in the shower at shower time.

Every day we have to tell them to use soap and shampoo.

Every day (actually twice every day) we have to tell them to brush their teeth. And when they say they already did say, "No you didn't. Try again."

Every day we have to tell them to put clean clothes away and dirty clothes in the hamper.

Every day we have to tell them to make beds and pick up their rooms.

Every day we have to tell them to do chores.

Every day we have to tell them to start homework or reading time.

Every day we have to tell them to get out the door and go to school or wait for the bus.

Every day we have to tell lunch takers to make a sandwich....and then to put it in their backpack.

Every day we have to tell them to go upstairs for "room time" before bed.

Every day we have to tell them to turn off the lights at "lights out" time.

I know....logical consequences, love and logic and all that. But every day these things need to get done and I'm unwilling, at the moment, to deal with the stink and squalor and late night shrieking and giggling that would result if we didn't tell them to do these things. I guess we've picked our battles and these are not them.

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